Hanging Out with Good People
You will greatly increase your chances of happiness if you spend your time with good people. Choose your associates carefully, if you can.
Making Happy Kids
Parents should make their children do what they should do; not what they want to do. Aim for a happy adult.
Staying Happy in a Declining Country
The most common question Dennis gets these days is: how do you stay happy when you see your country falling apart? Dennis gives his answers. Callers offer theirs.
Is It Working?
Dennis talks to Dr. Stephen Marmer member of the clinical faculty at UCLA Medical School and psychiatrist in private practice in Brentwood, CA. The topic is: How do you know whether therapy is working? How does the patient know? How does the therapist know?
Pain Free
The purpose of life is not have on your tombstone: “Here lies —. He was never hurt.” You have to risk pain to attain happiness.
Looking Forward
Someone to love, something to do and something to look forward to. That’s a powerful aphorism. Dennis focuses on the third.
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