Best of Happiness Hour 2013
Hanging Out with Good People
You will greatly increase your chances of happiness if you spend your time with good people. Choose your associates carefully, if you can.
Making Happy Kids
Parents should make their children do what they should do; not what they want to do. Aim for a happy adult.
Staying Happy in a Declining Country
The most common question Dennis gets these days is: how do you stay happy when you see your country falling apart? Dennis gives his answers. Callers offer theirs.
Is It Working?
Dennis talks to Dr. Stephen Marmer member of the clinical faculty at UCLA Medical School and psychiatrist in private practice in Brentwood, CA. The topic is: How do you know whether therapy is working? How does the patient know? How does the therapist know?
Pain Free
The purpose of life is not have on your tombstone: Here lies —. He was never hurt. You have to risk pain to attain happiness.
Looking Forward
Someone to love, something to do and something to look forward to. That’s a powerful aphorism. Dennis focuses on the third.
Best of Male/Female Hour2013
Yakov Smirnoff: Love and Laughter
Dennis talks to Yakov Smirnoff, popular comedian, about the power of laughter to build and sustain relationships.
Alison Armstrong: Happy Wife, Happy Life
A man is obsessed with two things as it relates to his spouse: what does she need and what will make her happy.
The In-Laws
Marriages are hard enough, but often spouses have to deal with in-laws, too. Sometimes it’s overwhelming. Callers weigh in with their (horror) stories.
The Bloke on the Essex Road
Is the stereotype true? Do men want solutions and women want sympathy?
What Day Matters Most?
Dennis asks the women in his audience: what days really matter to you? Valentine’s Day? Anniversary? Birthday?
In the Bedroom and Out
Dennis has a new prescription for marital harmony. Make love outside the bedroom; have sex in the bedroom.
Best of Ultimate Issues Hour2013
The Greatest Sin
The greatest sin is doing evil in God’s name. We saw this recently in Kenya.
Free Will
Do we have free will? Without God, the answer must be no.
The God Argument
Dennis has a spirited debate with noted atheist, AC Grayling, professor of Philosophy at University of London. The God Argument: The Case against Religion and for Humanism.
Darwin’s Doubt
Dennis talks to Stephen Meyer, a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute. His new book is Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design.
Parents, Children and Core Beliefs
Senator Robert Portman changed his position on same sex marriage after his son came out as gay. Should parents change their core beliefs to maintain the affection of their children?
Nothing from Nothing
Dennis talks to Lawrence Krauss, director of the Origins Project at Arizona State University. His new book, now in paperback is, A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing.
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