The collection of lectures includes:
Why We Need Responsible Men
Without responsible men our society can’t function. But what are we doing to encourage men to take on the responsibilities of adulthood, let alone fatherhood?
The Key to Happiness and Goodness
Is there a key that opens the door to a happier life, one full of goodness? Dennis has found it and shares it here.
Reflections on Parents and Children
Following the death of his father, Dennis thought deeply about the unique relationship between parent and child. He shares his new thoughts in this compelling talk.
My Story: My Life. My Ideas.
In the Part I of this talk, Dennis describes his Brooklyn upbringing, his journey to the Soviet Union, his relocation to California and the foundations of his radio career. In Part II, he delves into the origins and evolution of his philosophical thinking.
Honor Your Father and Mother: The Most Important Commandment?
There are 10 Commandments. We can all agree that they are pretty important. But, is it possible to isolate one that stands out from all the others? Dennis makes a compelling case that the 5th Commandment fits that bill.
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