Best of Radio 2018


A compilation of the very best segments from Happiness Hour, Male/Female Hour, and Ultimate Issues Hour. Hand-selected by Dennis and Allen themselves.


Each week, Dennis dedicates three full hours of his radio show to the topics of Happiness, Male/Female Issues, and Ultimate Issues. Over the course of the year it amounts to 156 hours dedicated to these three topics. The Best of Radio 2018 collection includes 18, hand-selected by Dennis and Allen themselves, of the very best segments from the Happiness Hour, Male/Female Hour, and Ultimate Issues Hour.

The Best of Radio 2018 includes:

Best of Happiness Hour 2018

Win Some, Lose Some: You can’t win them all. You’re going to “lose” more than a few times. Dennis lost one this week, flying to a speech that was cancelled while he was in mid-flight to snowy, freezing NY. We choose how to react what happens to us.

What’s the Use of Worrying? : You can drive yourself crazy (and make yourself unhappy) with excessive worrying. How do you get control of it? Dennis has suggestions. So do listeners.

Pain vs. Unhappiness: There is a big difference between pain and unhappiness. They are not the same thing.

Overcoming Trauma: How does one regain happiness after experiencing trauma? Dennis has suggestions. Callers do, too.

Many Ways to Happiness: Sometimes things in life don’t go the way we would like. Can you still be a happy person? Dennis says, yes. There are many ways to happiness.

Identity and Happiness: You have to know who you are to be happy. Identities are important to happiness. That involves knowing your sexual identity, a religious identity and a national identity.


Best of Male/Female Hour 2018

Marriage over Kids: Who should your first priority be? Your spouse or your kids?

How to Love: How would you like your spouse to express their love for you? It seems like a basic question, but how many have thought about it, let alone describe it?

Do You Enjoy Each Other?: Love is important, but it doesn’t conquer all. A question about a prospective spouse is: “do you enjoy that person?” If you can’t answer to the affirmative, you have a big problem.

Alison Armstrong – Factory Installed: In between Mother’s and Father’s Day, Alison explains fundamental differences between men and women.

Mistakes: What is the biggest mistake that you and/or your spouse have made as a couple?

Alison Armstrong – Two Key Needs: We all want fulfilling relationships. Renowned relationship expert Alison Armstrong isolates two key components and what stops us from getting them.


Best of Ultimate Issues Hour 2018

Rape of a Name: Is the rape of a name comparable to the rape of a body?

A Moral God: Why is this the most important idea in history?

Man in the Middle: The Bible puts man in the middle of history. The logical conclusion of atheism, ironically, is that man is insignificant.

Whatever Happened to Forgiveness?: Dennis talks to Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, founder of This World: The Values Network. The topic is whatever happened to forgiveness, especially in light of the Roseanne Barr episode.

Can People Change?: Given that Yom Kippur begins tonight, Dennis addresses a key issue of the holiday – can people change? And if so, what’s the best way to do it?

Evolution Revolution: Dennis talks to Stephen Meyer, Director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle. His latest book, which he edited, is a collection of essays by leading scientists: Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique.


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